Free eye care program is available for seniors

Dear Heloise: The U.S. economy is experiencing a major downturn.

Often when faced with tough economic times, senior communities on fixed incomes are hurt the most when their health care falls by the wayside. During our current financial crisis, I want to make sure that their eye health is not neglected.

This season, I urge readers to call EyeCare America’s Seniors EyeCare Program at (800) 222-EYES (3937) to see if they may qualify for medical eye care at no out-of-pocket cost (meaning free! — Heloise).

This year-round program is designed for seniors, age 65 and older, who have not seen an ophthalmologist in three or more years. Eligible patients will be matched with a nearby volunteer ophthalmologist. Seniors receive a comprehensive medical eye examination and up to one year of care for any disease diagnosed during the initial visit, for free.

As one of the 7,000 EyeCare America volunteer ophthalmologists across the U.S., I’ve experienced firsthand how providing a simple medical eye exam can preserve sight. As program volunteers, we have agreed to waive Medicare or other insurance copayments and unmet deductibles, resulting in no out-of-pocket cost to the patient. Seniors without insurance receive care at no charge.

Additionally, as a part of its national Give the Gift of Sight campaign, the organization is offering a free downloadable cookbook, created by celebrity chefs and filled with 15 delicious, eye-healthy recipes. Those interested in printing the free cookbook should visit

I urge all readers to take advantage of this valuable program this holiday season. Richard P. Mills, M.D., chair of EyeCare America

Dr. Mills, I hope my readers will take heed and use this wonderful free service. Folks, tear out this column to have handy or pass on to someone who can use this eye-saving program. Thank you for sharing with us. Heloise

Dear Heloise: I enjoy reading your column in the Ventura County (Calif.) Star, and I thought you might enjoy this hint. I took some pretty cloth kitchen place mats and used those instead of doilies on my bedroom nightstands. Works great as a temporary solution. Bonnie from California

Dear Heloise: What is the difference between ammonia and sudsy ammonia, and what is each used for? Gayle from North Carolina

Regular or nonsudsing ammonia is used for general all-purpose cleaning of mirrors, chrome and windows. Sudsy ammonia contains a little detergent and is better suited for tougher cleaning jobs. Since it contains detergent, it might streak when cleaning mirrors or glass, but if there is a heavy dirt or greasy buildup, this is the product to use. Heloise

Dear Heloise: The rubber bands that I use were always breaking. I saw how strong my granddaughter Lindsay’s hair bands were, and I had an “aha” moment. From the store that sells stuff for a dollar, I bought hair bands of all different sizes, and they last much longer and work much better than regular rubber bands. Frances, via e-mail

• Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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