For a mild scrub, paste of baking soda gets in your face

Dear Heloise: I would like to know the ingredients and application instructions for using baking soda as a facial. I use baking soda for a lot of things around my house, and this use is a new one to me. I generally use store-bought facial products, and they can be a little rough on the sensitive skin of the face. I love your column. I read it every day and always learn something new and interesting. A Reader, via e-mail

Thanks for the kind words. Baking soda really is good to use, is cheap, usually is on hand and generally is safe for normal skin. Mix a paste of 3 parts baking soda with 1 part water (I use olive or baby oil) to make a mild facial scrub (be sure to avoid the delicate eye area). After washing your face, lightly rub the paste over the appropriate areas. For a mask, gently rub the mixture on your face and leave it on for a few minutes. Then rinse well and apply a moisturizer.

There are so many ways to use baking soda: cleaning the microwave and dishwasher, removing tarnish from silver, deodorizing the garbage disposal, plus beauty, pets, auto and more. By sending $5 and a long, self-addressed, stamped (59 cents) envelope to: Heloise/Baking Soda, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001, you’ll receive a pamphlet stuffed with more money-saving baking-soda hints. You also can use baking soda with baby oil or a mild liquid soap on hands to help remove dirt and grime. Heloise

Have a bunch of plastic lids from margarine, yogurt, etc., containers? Here are a few handy uses:

UPlace under scouring-powder cans to prevent rust.

UGreat to set small plant pots on.

USome will fit on pet-food cans.

UPlace between hamburger patties when freezing.


Dear Heloise: I save foil balloons for future use by deflating them. I use a plastic straw with one end trimmed to a point, insert it through the valve and let the balloon go flat. My favorite grocery store will reinflate balloons with helium for a nominal fee (some stores do it for free -- Heloise). Don’t want helium? Use the same straw to blow the balloon up. The valve will hold, and the balloon will do everything except float to the ceiling. I also use these inflated balloons as packing material. Missy in Kingwood, Texas

Sound off

Dear Heloise: Every day when I drive to work, drivers are discourteous. Some go over or under the speed limit, causing traffic to back up.

Some race ahead when a lane is closing and then force their way into a lane.

And turn signals! Once you turn, turn off your signal so other drivers aren’t confused as to what you are doing! Anne in Colorado

XSend a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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