Be aware of foods that shouldn’t go to the dogs

Dear Readers: We thought we would share some important information about foods that are dangerous to feed your dogs. Read this, cut it out and post it on the refrigerator so that everyone knows what not to feed your pampered pet.

• Raw eggs — can lead to skin and fur problems.

• Moldy foods — refrigerated foods that have become moldy, such as cheese, can cause health problems.

• Fats from meat — the skin of various kinds of meat is a real danger to your dog’s health, so don’t give your pet rendered fat or the skin to eat, since it can lead to obesity and other problems.

• Mushrooms — can cause various health problems.

• Caffeine — coffee, tea and caffeinated sodas can affect the heart and nervous systems.

• Raisins and grapes — both contain toxins that can damage the kidneys.

These are only a few of the things that you should not feed your dog. Dogs gobble food — they don’t taste and savor — so watch what they eat. Heloise

Dear Readers: Here is a vet’s hint to help your cat pass hairballs. Spread 1‚Ñ4 teaspoon plain petroleum jelly on your cat’s paws or under its nose daily for four days. When the cat licks its paws or nose, the petroleum jelly is swallowed, helping to eliminate the hair mass more easily. Of course, there are commercial products available. Brushing your cat daily, if you can, will certainly help prevent the old hairball problem. Heloise

Dear Heloise: I enjoy taking my dachshunds for car rides. I used to stop and give them water periodically. Now, I bring along a disposable cup filled with water and put it in the car’s cup holder. They have water whenever they get thirsty. A Reader, via e-mail

Dear Readers: Carolyn Crane of Lancaster, N.H., sent in a photo of her cat, Manny, straddled on top of the TV, taking a nap!

To see Manny, visit Heloise

Dear Heloise: Thanks for all the years of very helpful hints that you publish in your column. We have a little Jack Russell terrier that sheds white hair all over the house. Therefore, we have lint lifters in every room to keep rolling the hairs off clothing, etc. Betsy from Blandon, Pa.

Dear Heloise: My son said he really wanted a fish aquarium. So, we bought a small one and a couple of fish. In no time, my son was tired of the aquarium, because it does take some work.

So, my suggestion (especially with the holidays almost here) is to research before purchase. This is true of any pet. They all take some time, work and proper care. I should have bought a book first and explained to my son he would be responsible for feeding the fish and cleaning the aquarium. We now have the aquarium sitting in the garage waiting for our garage sale. Linda in Tennessee

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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