Sticky marshmallow problem can be solved in the freezer

Dear Heloise: How do you keep an open bag of marshmallows fresh and keep them from sticking together? Gail, via e-mail

Put the bag of marshmallows into a plastic container with a tight-fitting lid or a resealable plastic bag, and then into the freezer. This will keep them fresh.

If the marshmallows get stuck together, simply sprinkle a little confectioners’ sugar or cornstarch into the container and shake till coated. Once coated, the marshmallows shouldn’t be sticky anymore.

For dry marshmallows, place a slice or two of bread or a piece of apple in a self-sealing container along with some of the marshmallows, and they will re-plump. Heloise

Dear Heloise: I cut metal scouring pads into four pieces. They are easy to use, and after discarding one piece, I still have three pieces left. Anita F. Eisenstein, Columbus, Ohio

Dear Readers: With the holidays coming up, many dessert recipes call for condensed or evaporated milk. Do you know the difference? Well, they cannot be substituted for each other.

Sweetened condensed milk is made by heating milk until 60 percent of the water evaporates, then sugar is added. It is usually used for candy and dessert dishes.

Evaporated milk is made the same way, but no sugar is added.It is thick and rich as heavy cream, but doesn’t have as much fat and calories.

Would you like some delicious new recipes to try out this holiday season? Just send $5 and a long, self-addressed, stamped (59 cents) envelope for my newest pamphlet, All-Time Favorite Recipes, which includes Apricot Preserves, Cookies From a Cake Mix and Fast Shrimp Spread.

Send your request to: Heloise/All-Time, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001. If you dilute evaporated milk with an equal amount of water, it can be substituted for fresh milk in most recipes. Heloise

Dear Heloise: Spray the inside of your pressure cooker with cooking spray before any cooking. This makes it really easy to clean. Alma Estes, Winston-Salem, N.C.

Dear Heloise: I have get-togethers at my house, and everyone brings a dish. Occasionally, a guest would ask if I had a recipe for one of the dishes. I would have to figure out who made it and then contact that person for a copy of the recipe.

Now, when I invite someone, I ask the person to bring a dish as well as a few copies of the recipe. This has become a popular part of the party. Linda in Colorado

This is a nice gesture, but remember, some people don’t like to share special recipes! Heloise

Dear Heloise: After I finish chopping onions, I put a little leftover tea in the dishwater, rinse the knife, utensils and my hands with the water, and voil ° — no odor! Nancy A. Hill, Omaha, Neb.

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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