Just imagine: A Democrat infiltrated the wine tasting

Just imagine: A Democrat infiltrated the wine tasting


I was at a wine tasting recently where the erudite gather to discuss the intricacies of the grape. Now you wouldn’t expect to find a Democrat at such a refined gathering, but there she was in all her glory. Not only was she there, she was spouting the latest Democrat mantra: some nonsense about speculators and gas prices.

The whole experience got me thinking, which is the only effective antidote for the pernicious virus infecting America called liberalism. Like any disease, liberalism takes up residence in organisms with weakened immune systems, and is there any group in American politics with a weaker intellectual immune system than Democrats? Anyway, the thought that came to mind was quite illuminating. Simply stated: You can be intelligent and be a Democrat, or you can be honest and be a Democrat, but you can’t be both and be a Democrat.

While the revelation above is true, it is not timeless. There was a time when Democrats honestly made sense. But that was yesteryear; I’m talking about today. Consider a few examples:

First, no one can honestly believe that killing a baby in the womb is a matter of privacy. Either you are totally devoid of any knowledge of biology and the U.S. Constitution, or you are dishonest in your application of whatever knowledge you have.

Second, while one can honestly disagree with how we deal with terrorism — ignore it, lawyer it, excuse it, combat it, isolate it or condone it, one cannot intellectually justify turning that disagreement into an impeachable offense.

Finally, it is utter nonsense to say that we cannot drill our way out of a problem (high gas prices) that has been caused by a lack of drilling.

I could go on, but you get the point, unless you’re a Democrat. Democrats will get insulted or angry or belligerent. They’ll do just about anything, but think because it so much easier to believe the mantra than to think about the matter. But thinking is what makes us human beings. It is the foundation of civilization. Beliefs are just eddies in the stream. They are places to rest before we continue on our journey toward enlightenment.

When we refuse to leave a pool of believers, the stream (civilization) leaves us behind. We become irrelevant curiosities. We are no longer vibrant human beings. We become clinging vines hoping that someone else will carry us toward the sun. That is today’s Democrats — stuck in their eddies of belief, clinging to their entitlements, and chanting the party line no matter how inane the words. It is a sad end for a proud party.

But what is sadder is that America needs them to wise-up. In a world of dwindling resources, unspeakable tyrannies, and evil fanaticisms, America is that shining city on the hill. But it can’t shine if half its citizens are dim bulbs.

