Answers to weekly quiz

Answers to weekly quiz

Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:

xA Q J 9 5 4 uK 10 8 vA Q 10 4 wVoid

Your right-hand opponent opens the bidding with one heart. What action do you take?

A. We would start with a double and then bid spades at our next turn.

Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:

xA 8 4 u9 5 vA K 10 7 wK Q 8 5

Partner opens the bidding with one heart. What do you respond?

A. A ruffing value makes slam a more likely possibility should partner have a fit for one of your suits. Respond two clubs.

Q. Neither vulnerable, as South you hold:

xA K Q 5 uVoid vA 10 7 4 wA 8 7 5 4

The bidding has proceeded:


1w Pass 1u Pass

1x Pass 1NT Pass


What do you bid?

A. You have a prime 17 count and a hand that can play in any one of three suits, so we see no reason why you should not continue to describe your hand. Bid two diamonds.

Q. Neither vulnerable, as South you hold:

xA Q 6 5 3 uA Q 2 vK J 7 6 w5

Your right-hand opponent opens the bidding with one heart. What action do you take?

A. The quality of your anchor suit is poor, and that should dissuade you from doubling and then bidding spades over partner’s likely club response. Your only sensible action is to overcall one spade.

Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:

xQ J 7 6 uA K 6 5 2 v9 4 wQ 7

The bidding has proceeded:


1u Pass 1x Pass


What do you bid?

A. Since partner can have as few as 6 points, to do anything more than make a simple raise courts disaster. Bid two spades.

Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:

xA Q 7 6 3 uK Q vQ 10 7 5 4 w6

The bidding has proceeded:


1x Pass 2x Pass


What do you bid?

A. Pass.

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