Pavlik fight | Late Vindy delivery Sunday, stick around for Monday


We gave you a heads up Friday and Saturday, but in case you missed it, your paper possibly arriving late today is due to our extended coverage of the Kelly Pavlik fight.

We held up our press start Saturday night to offer complete coverage of what’s become a huge event in Youngstown sports history.

Our staffers who worked the fight this week from Atlantic City — Joe Scalzo, John Goodwin and Bill Lewis — once they finished work on the Sunday paper, immediately went out into the Pavlik frenzy to report for Monday’s paper. Some of that work will certainly make it online today as well.

In Monday’s paper, watch for post-fight analysis, Youngstowners celebrating in Atlantic City, what happens next for Pavlik, the homecoming plans, more fight photos, and much more.

So your paper will be later today, but with great Pavlik coverage. And your Monday paper will be a keeper as well.