Until there are changes, vote ‘no’ in Brookfield


I have been closely watching for the past 10 months the goings on of the Brookfield School Board, specifically Joe Pasquerilla and to a lesser extent, Dean Fisher and Steve Varga.

As the time gets closer to the November election and the school bond issue, Pasquerilla is asking that the residents, as owners of the bank (property taxes) to just hand over to him $11 million-plus for a new school building and an additional $3.5 million dollars for Locally Funded Initiatives (LFI) (computers, books, etc.).

Whatever the new school committee recommends for the LFI money, Pasquerilla will have the final decision, regardless of any input from anyone.

There has been so much alleged deceit on Pasquerilla’s part since he assumed office and it continues to this day. Figures being tossed around, statements that the bond levy money will stay with the state if the levy fails in November, down to where the new school should be built. It took the Girard residents three times before their levy passed and they received more money.

There would be a savings of $650,000 that could be spent on education by building the new school on current property. Pasquerilla will have you believe this cannot be built for a variety of reasons.

The new school committee is even split on the location. One side refuses to listen to anything other that the new building on Kirila property at a cost of $650,000.

Pasquerilla refuses to bring in another architect with building plans to build on the current property, using a variety of reasons that make no sense.

Pasquerilla wants the residents to believe that he knows what is best for them without community involvement.

Until Pasquerilla opens everything up to the residents, I am encouraging the residents to vote no on the school bond levy.


Hermitage, PA