Canfield residents eager to get ball rolling on new soccer fields

CANFIELD — Parents and soccer players say they hope the township begins to “move dirt” soon to make soccer fields at park land on Herbert Road.

“A promise was made in June that dirt would be moving in September for the fields,” said Cindy Doran, president of the FC Canfield traveling league, at the trustees’ meeting Monday.

Representatives of soccer groups have offered to help the trustees design and prepare the fields. There will be three fields in Phase I of the township’s new park development on Herbert Road.

Trustees had said in July that they would do what they could to speed up the development so the fields could be seeded this fall and be in use by summer.

Trustee Paul Moracco said Monday that though there was an intention to “get the ball rolling,” there have been “snafus.”

Trustee Randy Brashen said the township only recently received a report on wetlands mitigation at the park land.

Trustee Bill Reese made a motion that the trustees ask the Mahoning County prosecutor’s office for guidance on creating athletic fields for special use, and the motion passed.

“We may provide the land and let them build the fields, or build the fields and lease to them,” Reese said.

He said he would aim for moving dirt this spring.