On the SidE. . .

This and that from the world of Valley politics.
WHAT'S IN A NAME? There's a new Democratic political club in Mahoning County, or is it Machining County?
The North County Democrats Club recently formed with Lowellville Mayor James Iudiciani as its president and Terri O'Connor-Brown, a former Youngstown school board member, as its vice president.
In the announcement about the creation of the club, the president's name is incorrectly spelled Iducianni [an easy error to make even though he runs the club] and O'Connor-Brown's name is incorrectly spelled O'Conner Brown.
Those are minor in comparison to incorrectly spelling Mahoning County as Machining County three times. Obviously, whoever typed this took the advice of a computer spell-check program by changing Mahoning to Machining, and then didn't bother to proofread it.
The group meets the first Monday of the month at Our Place Restaurant in Campbell. Membership is open to all registered Democrats, regardless of their spelling skills.