Time to put the brakes on the congressional gravy train

Time to put the brakes on the congressional gravy train
This is a reaction to Sen. Byrd being miffed over a missed vote. The good ole boy from West Virginia rebuked new Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid after voting on an amendment was cut off before Byrd could reach the floor.
Then he has the gall to state: "The Senate never has been an efficient body, and that is not the way legislation is done in a body such as ours."
What's the good ole boy's problem? Is he miffed because someone has started acting under the adage of a "fair day's work for a fair day's pay?" For too long these boys and girls in Congress have forgotten who they actually work for.
They believe you and I work for them, not the other way around.
A 40-hour work week, Monday through Friday, should be mandatory, and that's in Washington. Not coming in on Tuesdays and leaving on Thursdays. They should be required to answer a roll call every day (unless they are sick or dying).
The American people should vote on any pay raise they propose. Whoever heard of voting yourself a pay raise? If you don't perform, you don't get it, simple as that. Also, let's get rid of all the freebies, and have them pay for their expenses just like the average Joe or Jane.
Free health care, lunches, haircuts -- the list goes on and on. When is it going to stop?
This is not just in Washington. It's all over the country: federal, state, and local governments all act the same. Gimme, Gimme, Gimme.
The number one cancer of government is the special interest groups and lobbyists. Why would someone spend thousands and even millions to try to win positions that pay the wages that they do? Most of the campaign monies come from lobbyists and groups who are pursuing their own interests, not the good of the American taxpayer.
I believe the people of America are tired of these shenanigans and proposed a change in the last election.
I personally don't have a problem with an 89-year-old senator. But if he can't cut the mustard and get to his job on time, it's time to get someone who will.
The times, hopefully, are changing. I applaud Harry Reid for the gumption to start the change.
Congress sacrifices babies in name of scientific progress
The majority in Congress has wasted little time in trampling upon the dignity of human life and making an offering to science of millions of babies. Curing illness is farthest in the scientist's mind. It's the race and "fame" of cloning that the money will be used for.
It's no small matter before the throne of God that the majority in Congress was given to the Democratic Party. When people of faith no longer defend the virtue in laws, politicians are given the freedom to legislate "vice."
If politicians want to teach their own children to cross over moral boundaries, they'll have to answer for it before God. But when politicians involve everyone else's children, it's everyone's business to stop them. Hopefully the next election will redeem us before the throne of God.