Reader suspects culprit is blood pressure meds

Q. A few months ago, I finally yielded to my doctor’s pressure and went on a blood pressure medication, against my better judgment. I am a 63-year-old female. The medication is metoprolol succinate.

If you could tell me some of its side effects, I would be grateful. I am not feeling well, and I am guessing this new med is the culprit.

A. Metoprolol, like other beta blocker blood pressure medicines, may cause fatigue, dizziness or diarrhea. Some people develop an itchy rash while taking the medicine, while others may find themselves short of breath. It slows heart rate, sometimes by quite a lot.

Many cardiologists are reassessing beta blockers, though. Such drugs are rarely considered first-line treatments for hypertension these days (Lancet, Oct. 29, 2005). Blood pressure control is very important, so don’t stop your medication on your own. (It is dangerous to stop a beta blocker drug suddenly.) Discuss your symptoms with your doctor and ask about other possible treatments.

Perhaps this reader’s experience will help you: “I was told I need to be on blood pressure meds. I don’t like to take pills, so I tried breathing exercises and going to the gym. I didn’t have high blood pressure at my last visit.”

Q. You have had questions from people with skin cracking on their fingertips. I have another option to add to your suggestions: Acid Mantle from Doak Dermatologics.

I learned about it many years ago from the cook at my children’s camp. Her hands cracked and split from being washed and dried so often until she found Acid Mantle.

We initially used it for sunburn relief, but it’s also wonderful for chronic dry skin or the chapped area under your nose when you have a runny nose. Doing home remodeling (sanding, Sheetrock) can be very drying because the protective oils of the skin get removed or the natural acid pH is disturbed.

Acid Mantle is expensive (about $44 for a 1-pound jar). But a little goes a long way, so the large jar lasts a year or more.

A. Acid Mantle contains petrolatum, glycerin and synthetic beeswax as well as other moisturizer ingredients. Ten years ago, a scrub nurse wrote to us about Acid Mantle: “What a relief! It reversed the burn caused by the base pH in soaps, and returned my skin to normal.”

Q. Is it important to have a bowel movement at the same time every day? My late mother-in-law used to insist this was the most important health advice.

A. No one wants to be constipated, but not all healthy people need a bowel movement daily. Some people with excellent bowel function go every other day or every third day. Others need more than one daily trip to the bathroom.

The belief in the importance of a daily BM has led many people to use harsh laxatives, such as senna. We offer more natural approaches to achieving regularity in our Guide to Constipation.

X In their column, Joe and Teresa Graedon answer letters from readers. Write to them in care of The Vindicator or e-mail them via their Web site:

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