Reader: Reconsider Avandia to treat diabetes

Q. My 86-year-old father was taking Avandia for diabetes. When concerns began to appear in the news, I did my own research and asked his doctor to take him off the drug because of fluid retention.

The difference is amazing. While he was on Avandia, he had 2 liters of fluid removed from around his lungs twice. His pants waist size had increased several times during that time. All of the fluid is gone now that he has been off Avandia for a while.

The doctors could not determine what had caused the fluid buildup, but I was relieved that I figured it out. Avandia should be reconsidered as a treatment for diabetes.

A. The maker of Avandia warns that this drug can cause fluid retention and congestive heart failure. Patients are cautioned that swelling, rapid weight gain, breathing problems or unusual tiredness may be serious and deserve immediate medical attention. It’s a shame your father’s physicians did not identify Avandia earlier as the cause of his fluid retention.

Q. I am a 58-year-old woman, and I suffered from severe vaginal dryness after menopause. I have found great relief from Estring. It has stopped the everyday irritation I was experiencing.

My libido is still a problem, but I find that once foreplay is under way, I am able to enjoy sex. I feel the ring has played an important part in this. Perhaps my experience will help others.

A. Estrogen has long been used to relieve menopausal symptoms such as vaginal dryness. Concerns about side effects such as blood clots or an increased risk of cancer have left many women in a quandary.

Estring is a vaginal estrogen delivery system that releases 2 mg of estradiol gradually over three months. It has been available in this country since 1996. Women whose main menopausal symptom is vaginal dryness often find Estring helpful.

Although the amount of hormone in this vaginal ring is small, it is not appropriate for women with estrogen-sensitive cancers or for those who may be pregnant.

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