"I knew when the number was so large that I would know at least one person on that list. I don't want to look at that list. It's just, it's going to be horrible."

"I knew when the number was so large that I would know at least one person on that list. I don't want to look at that list. It's just, it's going to be horrible."
Gregory Walton
A banquet manager at Virginia Tech, after hearing a gunman killed at least 32 people
"This governor is a hypocrite. We want him to come out!"
An angry mob
In Basra, Iraq, demanding the resignation of Basra Gov. Mohammed al-Waili.
"There's good news in a newsroom that needs some good news."
James O'Shea
Los Angeles Times editor, after three reporters for the paper won the Pulitzer Prize for explanatory reporting.