Warren Kiwanis Club installs slate of officers for 2006-07

WARREN -- DiLucia's Banquet Room was the setting on Oct. 5 as Warren Kiwanis Club installed a slate of officers to head the organization in the coming season.
Michael Stevens of Warren was inducted as president for the 2006-07 year. He was one of a number of officers unanimously approved for terms that begin this month.
Installed as his associate officers were Don Fatobene, president-elect; Jerri Florio, first vice president; Mark Beard, second vice president; Ken Kimble, secretary; Rick Loudin, treasurer; and Jan Vaughn, immediate past president.
Also approved were the directors who will meet monthly with officers to handle club business. Serving as directors and their terms are: Kevin Geiss, Dave Barran and Randy Beard, three-year; Donna Alcorn, Rick Sinchak and Mark Beard, two-year; and Dennis Yurko, Greg Yurco and Ralph Smith, one year. Inducted into membership was Howard Agueda.
The Warren club was established in 1920 and meets from noon to 1 p.m. each Thursday at Buena Vista Cafe. Visitors are welcome.
For more information, visit the Web site, www.warrenkiwanis.ho-mestead.com.