Organizing hint calls for taking inventory

Dear Heloise: I hold an annual spray meeting, collecting all the sprays and cleaning solutions below my kitchen and bathroom sinks at one place. Then I sort them, making sure my kitchen and both of my bathrooms have exactly the right sprays they will need. I redistribute a spray if one bathroom has too much and the other one has too little.
I use empty spray bottles I bought at a store that sells things for a dollar to create two bottles of one item (be sure to label clearly -- Heloise). Also, I make a note of sprays I had forgotten I had -- this makes me feel in control! Preeti, via e-mail
Preeti, this is definitely a good organizing hint! Many of us have looked in cabinets and under the sink in the kitchen and screamed "yikes!" Take an inventory, folks, and you might not need to buy new cleaning supplies for a while. Heloise
Dear Heloise: Since I love iced tea, many times I have found tea bags without the string (one manufacturer makes a round, stringless bag). After I brew the tea, I put the used bags in a container in the refrigerator. In the mornings, I set aside 10 minutes to grab two of them and put them on my eyelids. Very soothing. These are also great for quick soothing of minor burns or bug bites I might get.
I make tea every two to three days, so there is always a fresh supply in the fridge. Kathleen C., Manchester, N.H.
Dear Heloise: For economical and easy storage of sewing-machine bobbins and thread, I use empty cigar boxes.
Some of the larger cigars have plastic inserts in the boxes that hold bobbins on their sides, so the thread color is visible. This recycles the cigar boxes and saves me from buying storage boxes. Debi in Pennsylvania
Dear Heloise: My idea for a dust ruffle when using a bedspread is to cut the dust-ruffle portion off of the center (liner) material, leaving just enough to make the ruffle hang the length I need. Then I tack the dust ruffle to the bedspread. No more rearranging the dust ruffle when you change the sheets or turn the mattress. Janet Hoese, Santa Ana, Calif.
Dear Heloise: I am a recycler and like to conserve when I can. When I print out an e-mail or recipe from the computer, there is usually some plain white space left on the paper. I cut the paper off and cut it into strips to use for my grocery list or other notes. Marlene Jackson, Lowell, Ark.
Dear Heloise: I have a helpful hint for all. Before brushing my teeth, I soak my toothbrush in an antiseptic mouthwash to kill any germs on it. This can help with oral hygiene and therefore save on dental visits. Deb in Ohio
Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to
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