On the SidE. . .

This and that from the world ofValley politics.
The congressional office of U.S. Rep.-elect Charlie Wilson of St. Clairsville, D-6th, will be 226 Cannon House Office Building. It's only a few feet from the current office of U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan of Niles, D-17th. But Ryan, who will begin serving his third two-year term in the U.S. House in January, is packing his bags for a larger office in a different building.
Ryan is moving from 222 Cannon to 1421 Longworth House Office Building. The Longworth office is bigger and closer to the Rayburn House Office Building, where a majority of House committee hearings are held.
Office locations are done by a lottery system based on seniority in the House. The luck of the draw was with Wilson, whose office is larger than the typical "broom closet" most freshmen House members get.