Q. Neither vulnerable, as South you hold:
x 10 9 6 5 3 2 u 10 7 v 9 w 10 8 4 3
The bidding has proceeded:
1x 1NT ?
What action do you take?
A. You should take some pre-emptive action -- the only question is how high you should bid. We like the idea of pre-empting to the maximum. Our choice would be four spades.
Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:
x 10 8 6 u K 9 4 3 2 v K J 10 9 8 w Void
The bidding has proceeded:
1w 1u 3w* ?
* pre-emptive
What action do you take?
A. Who knows who can make what? No matter. You should make it as difficult for the opponents to describe their hands while looking for a contract you might make. Bid four hearts.
Q. Both vulnerable, you hold:
x A Q J 9 6 u K Q 10 9 5 v Void w Q 7 4
Your right-hand opponent opens one no trump. What do you do?
A. If you have an overcall that shows a major two-suiter, here's your chance to trot out that gadget. If not, bid two spades now and hope you get to show your second-suit later.
Q. Vulnerable, you hold:
x A K Q 9 5 u A K 6 3 v Void w A J 5 2
Partner opens three no trump, showing a solid seven-card minor and no stoppers in any other suit. What do you bid now?
A. You can count 13 tricks -- three spades, two hearts, one club and seven diamonds. However, you do not necessarily have them at no trump since you probably do not have an entry to partner's hand. Bid seven diamonds.
Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:
x K 2 u 9 8 4 v 7 4 2 w A K Q 9 4
The bidding has proceeded:
1x Pass 2w Pass
2v Pass ?
What do you bid now?
A. You have a choice between two flawed actions: a fourth-suit-forcing bid of two hearts or a spade raise with only a doubleton. To us the fourth suit only postpones the problem. We prefer the raise. Surely K x is as good as three low cards in the suit.
Q. Both vulnerable, you hold:
x 10 u Q J 7 2 v A Q 7 2 w K 9 5 3
Your right-hand opponent opens the bidding with a weak two spades. What action do you take?
A. While you are a trifle light to force partner to bid at the three-level you do have the perfect shape for a takeout double. Don't be a coward -- double.
XThis column is written by Tannah Hirsch and Omar Sharif. For information about Charles Goren's newsletter for bridge players, call (800) 788-1225 or write Goren Bridge Letter, P.O. Box 4410, Chicago, Ill. 60680.
& copy; 2006, Tribune Media Services