ON THE WEB \ Interesting sites

Explore cyberspace and your inner spiritual space through these Web sites.
www.hippiechristian.org: This site is maintained by a guy named Kevin -- or Cloud, as he was known back in the day. He explains how to live the hippie Christian lifestyle: Study and follow Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, hang out with like-minded believers, talk daily with God. His hippie lifestyle defies some of the stereotypes; he writes that he prefers to stay sober to hear God's voice. The most poignant writings are found on his blog, linked from the site. The hippie and his wife are taking care of their infant granddaughter while their daughter fights drug problems.
www.opusdei.org: As "The Da Vinci Code" is in movie theaters, questions abound on Opus Dei, the Catholic organization portrayed in Dan Brown's best-selling book as a cult whose members engage in self-punishment. The Web site of Opus Dei (Latin for "work of God") answers questions about the Vatican-sanctioned lay group and responds to the book. In a section called "The Da Vinci Code, the Catholic Church and Opus Dei," the site addresses many of the book's claims, including that Opus Dei adherents injure themselves.
www.bahai.us: The Religion Communicators Council recently recognized the official Web site of Baha'is in the U.S. for excellence. It is a beautiful, easy-to-navigate site and a good place to begin learning about the Baha'i faith. About Us explains the belief system, history and Scriptures. Click on "Baha'i House of Worship" to see the Wilmette, Ill., temple and others. The images, which show a variety of architectural styles in locales from Australia to India, are striking. The religion's calendar is explained under the main page header "Being Baha'i." Included in the calendar is an upcoming holy day -- Ascension of Baha'u'llah on Monday.
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