Answers to weekly quiz

Answers to weekly quiz
Q. Vulnerable, you hold:
Q 8 7 A Q 10 8 5 8 7 3 10 4
Partner opens the bidding with one no trump (15-17). What do you respond?
A. Start by bidding two clubs. If partner responds two diamonds, bid two hearts. Since you would simply have bid two hearts (or transferred into hearts) with a weak hand, this shows values. Over two spades, invite with two no trump.
Q. Neither vulnerable, as South you hold:
Q 7 10 9 3 2 K Q 4 Q 9 5 4
The bidding has proceeded:
1 Pass 1NT Pass
2 Pass ?
What do you bid now?
A. You have enough for a second bid, and one stands out -- raise to three clubs.
Q. Both vulnerable, you hold:
K 7 3 K Q 6 5 A 9 7 2 9 3
Partner opens the bidding with one club. What do you respond?
A. Since you have no tenaces, there is no reason why you should choose to bid hearts first. Start by responding one diamond and wait for partner's rebid.
Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:
A K J 9 5 A J 5 K Q 5 7 4
The bidding has proceeded:
1 Pass 3 Pass
What do you bid now?
A. Make a cue-bid of four hearts. Not only will that show your interest in bigger things, but it denies holding a minor-suit ace.
Q. Vulnerable, as South you hold:
8 7 6 3 2 Q 9 A K Q 7 10 5
The bidding has proceeded:
1 1 Pass ?
What do you bid now?
A. The only course we can support is a raise to two hearts with your doubleton honor. At this vulnerability, partner ought to have a good suit for his overcall.
Q. Vulnerable, as South you hold:
10 9 5 4 J 10 6 5 A 9 3 K 6
The bidding has proceeded:
1 Dbl ?
What action do you take?
A. These days, you tend to ignore a takeout double at the one-level and make the same response you would have had there been no double. Had East passed, you would have raised partner's opening to two spades, so go ahead and do so now.
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