Personal information can be removed from search engine

Dear Heloise: I just read your column about phone listings. One of the readers mentioned that a phone number can be placed in a search site and an address can be pulled up. I certainly wasn't aware of this until a friend of mine told me about it. On a search engine, if you type in a phone number -- including area code -- from anywhere in the United States, there is a good chance the person's name, address and a map to find the location will come up. Just thought I'd pass this information on. Denise Smith, via e-mail
Denise, it's good advice to pass on, as many people don't know this. It is possible to have your name, address and telephone number removed. On the search engine we checked, we simply double-clicked on the telephone icon and followed the directions. The directions said it would take about 48 hours for the information to be removed. So, if you don't want your information posted, take the right steps to get it removed. Heloise
Fast facts
Stuck with ashtrays and no use for them? No more! Try these:
Use in the bathroom to hold soap.
Use as a jewelry catchall.
Use on your desk to hold paper clips, etc.
Use in your sewing room for needles and pins.
Dear Heloise: Since I recently started working at home, I use my fax machine a lot. I have found that if I make a fax sheet and place it in a plastic sleeve, I can write with a dry-erase marker who the fax is to, etc., and then when I am done, I simply erase it and reuse it again. Keeps me from having to make several cover sheets a day. Every little bit helps! Jeanette Porter from Oregon
Dear Heloise: My kids each have different sports that they participate in. It was hard to keep them organized and figure out who had what game or practice when. I put all their schedules, etc., in a notebook, and if I have a question, I can quickly leaf through and find the information I need. Rita from Nevada
Donna F. from Roanoke, Va., adds: "I use a large-space calendar to keep track of my kids' sporting events. Each kid is assigned a different color, and this makes it easier to tell what's going on." Heloise
Sound off
Dear Heloise: I sure am glad that someone has complained about the tags in the necks of women's clothing. That is my biggest pet peeve. The next-biggest pet peeve is, Why do they put the zippers and openings in the fronts of women's slacks? It adds more bulk just where it is least wanted. Why not on the side?
Thank you for letting me vent these concerns. Where else can we turn? You do a great service. Mt. Pulaski, Ill.
Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to
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