Boccieri introduces bill to limit demonstrations at vets' funerals

COLUMBUS -- State Rep. John Boccieri, an Air Force Reserve pilot, introduced legislation to inhibit protests at funerals for Iraqi war veterans.
Boccieri, of New Middletown, a C-130 aircraft pilot who served four tours of duty in Iraq during the past two years, introduced the bill Monday in response to demonstrations near veterans funerals by the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan.
On the group's Web site, it states that God is punishing the United States by killing soldiers in Iraq because the nation is full of sinners, embraces homosexuals and defies God. The group has demonstrated at funerals of soldiers, and also states God's anger at the United States caused the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Hurricane Katrina and the recent deaths of coal miners in West Virginia.
The proposal by Boccieri, D-61st, would require a 300-foot buffer for demonstrators around funerals of deceased veterans. The buffer would start 30 minutes before the funeral and end 30 minutes after it's over, Boccieri said.
On its Web site, the group states it would accept a 100-foot buffer, and anything further than that would "be subject to challenge."
Six other states introduced legislation requiring buffers because of the protests, according to the church Web site.