North-South vulnerable. South deals.
x J 3
u 10 8 4
v A K 8 5 4
w K 7 3
x A 8 7 5 4 x 9 6 2
u K 5 2 u A 7
v 9 7 2 v Q J 10 6 3
w 10 8 w J 9 4
x K Q 10
u Q J 9 6 3
v Void
w A Q 6 5 2
The bidding:
1u 1x 2v 2x
3w Pass 4u Pass
Pass Pass
Opening lead: 10 of w
Playing four hearts after the lead of a club, some declarer's tried to induce a defensive error in an effort to save their contract, with mixed results. One showed there was no need for such duplicity.
When the bidding revealed a double fit, most Norths in a world team championship event judged their hand as being worth proceeding to game. With a red-suit lead declarer had no trouble, but at some tables West found a club lead, threatening a defensive ruff. Except for one table, all the declarers won and elected to lead a trump. Some won on the table and led a heart to the jack, losing to the king. A club was returned, declarer winning. East won the next heart and gave partner a club ruff, down one.
The more devious declarers won the first trick in hand and led a low trump toward the 10. Some Wests "forgot" to rise with the king and declarer got home. South lost only two trump tricks and a spade.
One declarer won the opening lead in hand and led the 10 of spades through the spade bidder, and West was faced with a Hobson's choice. If West rose with the ace of spades to lead another club, declarer would win on the table and cash two spade tricks for a club discard and West could no longer score a club ruff with a low trump. If West did not rise with the ace of spades, declarer would overtake with the jack and discard the king and queen of spades on the ace and king of diamonds. Declarer could now afford to lose a club ruff and still get home.
& copy; 2006 Tribune Media Services