Volunteers sought to serve on tax panel

Wednesday, August 23, 2006 NEW CASTLE, Pa. — New Castle School Board is seeking volunteers to serve on a tax commission. The Taxpayer Relief Act, which was signed June 27 by Gov. Ed Rendell, requires all Pennsylvania school districts to appoint a Local Tax Study Commission by Sept. 14. Essentially, the commission is to evaluate the school district's current tax structure, review new tax structures under the act and make recommendations to the school board regarding the possibility of increasing the district's income tax or creating one. Revenue raised is intended to reduce property taxes. School officials said the commission must represent a cross-section of the school district and only one member of the school board may be appointed to the commission. The act requires all of Pennsylvania's 501 school boards to appoint either five, seven or nine members to form a tax commission. Anyone interested in serving on the New Castle Area School District Tax Study Commission should send a résumé and letter of application by 1 p.m. Monday to: Superintendent George J. Gabriel, Croton Administration Building, 420 Fern St., New Castle, PA 16101.