KATRINA | How to help

KATRINA | How to help
Local agencies providing help to Hurricane Katrina victims:
Mercer, Pa.: The Mercer County CareerLink staff is available to help any hurricane evacuee by providing computers, telephones and personal assistance in finding community resources. The staff is available to help find health care, housing and clothing. Mercer County CareerLink is open weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For details, call (724) 347-9257.
The staff of Ron Joy and Sateri Homes in Boardman are collecting towels, washcloths, cleaning supplies and bedding to send to hurricane victims in Mississippi. Financial contributions to pay shipping costs to Mississippi will also be accepted. Donations can be made Oct. 1 to 26 at Ron Joy Nursing Facility activities department, 830 Boardman-Canfield Road, Boardman.