Both vulnerable. South deals.
x A Q 3
u Q J 10 5
v 10 6
w J 10 3 2
x 10 7 2 x J 8 6 4
u 8 6 u 9 7 4 2
v K 9 8 5 2 v A Q
w A 7 6 w 9 5 4
x K 9 5
u A K 3
v J 7 4 3
w K Q 8
The bidding:
1NT Pass 2w Pass
2v Pass 3NT Pass
Pass Pass
Opening lead: Five of v
There is no way to overstress the importance of counting in declarer play and defense, both distribution and high-card points. It was key to this deal.
The auction was direct. North checked on the possibility of a 4-4 major fit. When none was located, North proceeded to three no trump in short order.
West led this fourth-best diamond. East won with the ace and returned the queen. West now knew enough about the hand to find the winning defense. First, at least 38 high-card points were accounted for --15 or more with South, 10 in dummy and six that partner has played. So to hope for another defensive trick from partner was futile.
Next, if partner has a third diamond, the hand is beaten off the top. But what if partner has only two diamonds? The fact that dummy had started with a doubleton ten in the suit enables West to establish four diamond tricks by overtaking the queen with the king and continuing with the nine to force out the jack.
Is there any danger that giving declarer a diamond trick he might not be able to make on his own will be presenting declarer with the fulfilling trick? No way -- count declarer's tricks. At most three spades (declarer denied a four-card major when responding to the Stayman inquiry) and four hearts. A diamond trick will be eight, and West can win the first club to take the setting tricks.
So West overtook partner's queen of diamonds with the king and forced out the knave. Employing a point-count and a trick count made the winning defense easy.
XThis column is written by Tannah Hirsch and Omar Sharif. For information about Charles Goren's newsletter for bridge players, call (800) 788-1225 or write Goren Bridge Letter, P.O. Box 4410, Chicago, Ill. 60680.
& copy; 2005, Tribune Media Services