XHitchcock Woods members will meet for a salad buffet at 7:30 p.m. Serving as hostess will be Carol Lumsden.
XA fairy garden project will be conducted by Marie Borocz when Moccasin members meet at 7 p.m. at Homestead Florists. Cost is $25. Louella Friend and Vi Castor will serve as hostesses, and macaroni and cheese will be collected for Emmanuel House.
XKristen Mars will discuss backyard bouquets when New Bedford members meet at Backyard Creations.
XAn outing to Butler Institute of American Art is scheduled for members of Daisy Dozen. Lunch at noon at Winslow's Cafe in the museum will be followed by a tour at 1 p.m. Chairwomen are Joy Cushwa and Betty McLaughlin.