Answers to weekly quiz:

Answers to weekly quiz:
Q. Neither vulnerable, as South you hold:
x-A J u-A Q 10 3 v-10 3 2 w-Q J 7 5
The bidding has proceeded:
Pass Pass 1w Pass
1x Dbl ?
What action do you take?
A. You have a minimum opening bid and not much in the way of support for partner's suit. What do you have that demands immediate action from you? Pass, and see how the auction develops. Having told partner you have a minimum by passing now, you will be able to act more freely later if the auction develops favorably.
Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:
x-A J 9 4 u-10 5 v-10 7 3 w-J 7 5 4
The bidding has proceeded:
1x 2u ?
What action do you take?
A. Experience proves that it is seldom wise to conceal good four-card support for opener's suit. If you play pre-emptive jump raises, bid three spades. If not, simply raise to two spades.
Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:
x-Q 10 u-K 9 7 3 v-A 10 6 5 w-K 5 2
The bidding has proceeded:
1w Pass 1x Pass
1NT ?
What action do you take?
A. The auction has developed perfectly. Had your clubs and spades been reversed, your hand would have been good enough for an immediate takeout double. Since the bidding is still at the one-level, and partner is likely marked with some strength, double now for a red-suit takeout.
Q. East-West vulnerable, as South you hold:
x-K 7 5 3 u-A Q 10 6 4 v-Q 2 w-9 6
The bidding has proceeded:
Pass 1D Pass 1S
What action do you take?
A. You have near to an opening bid, and we might forgive you had you opted to do so in first seat. Now, however, you are in the middle of two bidding opponents, one of whom has not yet limited his hand. It is far too risky to act now, especially with a porous five-card suit. Pass.
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