Coexisting T

Coexisting T
Move over, Livestrong bracelets. There's a new altruistic trend in town: Chic, peace-loving T-shirts by Coexist. The inspiration is the "coexist" emblem -- "c" resembles a crescent moon associated with Islam, "x" is Judaism's star of David, and "t" is the shape of a Christian cross. "These three religions have been around since day one, and they are going to be here forever," says Coexist's co-founder, Christopher Tierney, of New York. He and his partners first spotted "coexist" in 2003, when they saw a photo of graffiti at a European protest, he said. "We took that and put our own aesthetic on it." The symbol originated from a poster by Polish artist Piotr Mlodozeniec for an international traveling exhibition organized by the Museum on the Seam in Jerusalem.