HOW SHE SEES IT Keep the Bible out of public schools
Today is Monday, Feb. 28, the 59th day of 2005. There are 306 days left in the year. On this date in 1849, the ship "California" arrives at San Francisco, carrying the first of the gold-seekers.
In 1827, the first U.S. railroad chartered to carry passengers and freight, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, is incorporated. In 1844, a 12-inch gun aboard the USS Princeton explodes, killing Secretary of State Abel P. Upshur, Navy Secretary Thomas W. Gilmer and several others. In 1861, the Territory of Colorado is organized. In 1951, the Senate committee headed by Estes Kefauver, D-Tenn., issues a preliminary report saying at least two major crime syndicates are operating in the U.S. In 1953, scientists James D. Watson and Francis H.C. Crick discover the double-helix structure of DNA, the molecule that contains the human genes. In 1974, the United States and Egypt re-establish diplomatic relations after a seven-year break. In 1975, more than 40 people are killed in London's Underground when a subway train smashes into the end of a tunnel. In 1986, Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme is shot to death in central Stockholm. In 1993, a gun battle erupts at a compound near Waco, Texas, when Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents try to serve warrants on the Branch Davidians; four agents and six Davidians are killed as a 51-day standoff begins. In 1996, Britain's Princess Diana agrees to divorce Prince Charles.
February 28, 1980: U.S. District Judge Thomas Lambros suggests, but does not order, that the U.S. Steel Corp. delay its closing of the McDonald and Ohio works for 90 days. A suit has been filed by steelworkers who say they should be given the opportunity to buy and operate the mills.
Homebuyers are paying a record 13 percent interest for government-backed mortgages, as the interest rate for Veterans Administration and Federal Housing Administration loans is raised for the second time in three weeks.
The U.S. position in world affairs has been allowed to deteriorate over the past decade and it is time to face up to the realities of national security while there is still time, Chester Amedia, a retried Air Force Reserve officer, tells Youngstown Rotarians. The United States stands alone against Soviet expansionism, he says.
February 28, 1965: A study by the Army Corps of Engineers that confirms the feasibility of a Lake Erie-Ohio River canal has been forwarded to the Army Board of Engineers in Washington, D.C.
With no let up in the demand for production, principally from the automobile manufacturing and construction industries, Youngstown's steel mills will be running at capacity levels for the immediate future.
Mrs. Von M. Kehl of Washington County will receive Ohio license plate No. 1 for submitting the winning entry in a highway safety slogan contest: "Alert Today -- Alive Tomorrow."
February 28, 1955: The former store of Mike Wilo, a Youngstown landmark and the first stop for thousands of Slovaks who came to Youngstown is being razed. The store at 355 E. Boardman St., has been used by Christ Mission, Goodwill Industries, since 1941.
Atty. Henry DiBlasio, chairman of the Crusade for Freedom in Youngstown, says Radio Free Europe proves how much the truth hurts the Soviet Union.
A fire of undetermined origin causes $1,000 in damages to St. Michael Byzantine Catholic Church, 489 Robinson Road, in Campbell.
February 28, 1930: About l,200 girls are driven into the street by a fire that gutted the frame building housing the tumbler room of the Youngstown Sanitary Laundry Co. at North and Rayen avenues. W.P. Hughes, manager of the laundry, estimates the loss at $10,000.
Three patrolmen accused by Assistant Police Chief W.J. Engelhardt of interfering with liquor raids tell Police Chief Paul Lyden they were investigating disturbance charges in the place when vice squad officers arrived.
Employees of the Byers Co. plant in Girard, the largest puddling mill in the country, will see their wages reduced from $11.80 per ton to $11.55, reflecting a reduction in the average sales price of bars from 2 cents a pound to 1.95 cents per pound.