HELOISE Take records when traveling with pet

Dear Readers: Taking a trip by car with your pet? There are a few things you should know before heading out on your road trip so your pet is prepared for the journey. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, here are a few things to do:
UMake sure your pet is up-to-date with its shots. Keep a copy of the inoculations, health records, etc., with you.
UDon't keep your pet loose in the back seat -- use a harness to secure it, or put it in a crate. There are many sizes of crates available.
UBe sure to have identification on the collar, and include your veterinarian's phone number.
UTake along your pet's favorite bedding, blanket, food bowls and maybe even some water from home. When it's time to feed it, stop and take a break -- don't do it while driving!
UIf traveling with a dog, prevent it from poking its head out an open window -- this can be dangerous, since foreign objects can get in the eyes.
UStop frequently for "pet pit stops" -- this makes it a much more comfortable trip.
P.S. It's a good idea to take a pet first-aid kit along. If you don't know what should go in it, ask your veterinarian. Be prepared for everything, and your trip should be great! Heloise
Dear Readers: Connie Ricklefs of Sterling, Ill., sent a photo of her black cat, Blackie, sitting on top of a birdhouse. It looks like "the early cat catches the bird." Visit my Web site, www.Heloise.com, and click on This Week's Pet to see Blackie. Send your favorite, unusual pet photo to: Heloise/Pet Photo, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279. Heloise
Did you know that pet iguanas (which have become more popular), along with turtles, snakes, lizards, baby chicks and ducklings, can be carriers of a bacterial infection called salmonella, which can be passed on to people?
The following information is important for those who own or are thinking of getting any of these animals:
UChildren and pregnant women should not handle them.
UDon't be tempted to bring baby chicks or ducklings home. They are cute, but children might be tempted to pick up them.
UIf you have a pet in this category, thoroughly wash your hands after touching it. Heloise
Dear Heloise: We have two cats and were using a lot of litter, having two boxes to change every week. My husband went to his shop and came back with an oil-changing pan that was never used.
The pan was the same height as a regular litter box, but wider, longer and heavier. We left it close to their litter boxes so they could put their scent on it, then began using it as a litter box. It uses less litter, and the pan is large enough to catch any "flying litter." Blue and Tazzie, Black Hawk, S.D.
XSend a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.
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