50th anniversary for the Johnstons is celebrated
XPOLAND -- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston of Poland were honored Feb. 13 at a Mass at St. Patrick Church in Youngstown in celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary.
Afterward a dinner and reception were held for the couple's family and friends at the Hibernian Hall. Hosts were their nieces and nephews, James Johnston and Kenny and Carol Johnston, all of Boardman, Marcy and Nick Dionisio of Austintown, Mary Ann and Bill Patrick of Hubbard, and Karen Bergmann and Frank and Arlene Hilbert, all of Cleveland, and Mr. Johnston's sister, Rose Gancarcik of Hubbard.
Mrs. Johnston, who was advertising director for Livingston's, is a member and past president of Youngstown Business and Professional Women's Club. She is involved in fund-raising and community activities, and is listed in the "Who's Who of American Women."
Mr. Johnston was employed by The Vindicator before going into business as owner and operator of Irish Bob's Pub on South Avenue in Youngstown. He retired in 2001. A Korean War Veteran, Mr. Johnston served with the 7th Regiment of the First Cavalry Division. He is a longtime member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians Division 6 and was honored as Irishman of the Year in 1989.
The couple are members of Holy Family Church.
The Johnstons recently returned from Houston, where they were honored at a dinner and reception hosted by their niece and nephew, Mary Lou and Dr. Joseph Castillo of Houston, and Mrs. Johnston's sisters and brother-in-law, Sarah Hilbert and Mary Jo and James Pezzano, also of Houston.