XDavid and Diana (Muntean) Toohey of Frederick, Md., announce the birth of their second child, a son, Dylan Michael, on Jan. 14 at Frederick Memorial Hospital. The baby is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bair of Boardman, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Muntean of Columbiana and Judith Toohey of Youngstown. Great-grandparents are John Bokesch of Boardman, Edith Hayes of Youngstown and Goldie Muntean of Columbiana.
XRobert and Karina (Novo) D'Amico of Duarte, Calif., announce the birth of their first child, a son, Cristian Robert, on Jan. 13 at Verdugo Hills Hospital, Glendale, Calif. Grandparents are Robert and Helen D'Amico of New Middletown, Cesar and Gloria Tarafa of Monrovia, Calif., and Jose and Olga Novo, also of Monrovia. Great-grandmother is Helen Murcko of Transfer, Pa.
XMichael and Annette (Poyar) Suhovecky of Dublin are announcing the birth of their third daughter, Madison Elizabeth, on Jan. 24 at Ohio State University Medical Center. Grandparents are Helen Poyar of Rome, Ohio, and Adeline and Joseph Suhovecky of Austintown.
XThe birth of twin daughters is being announced by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth VanSuch (Kelly Cole) of Canton, Mich. Kaley Nicole and Kenna Stephanie were born Jan. 26 at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital in Ypsilanti, Mich., and are granddaughters of Maureen Cole of Poland and Betty VanSuch of Columbiana. Great-grandmother is Muriel Bynane of Boardman.
XThis column is reserved for out-of-town births of local interest. See page A-2 for a daily listing of local births. Please send the information to the Society Department within one month of the birth.