Campbell school board member sentenced for reckless operation
CAMPBELL -- Robert T. Dolan, board of education member, received a suspended jail sentence after pleading no contest to a charge of reckless operation, amended from DUI, records show.
Dolan entered his plea Friday in municipal court.
He had faced two counts of DUI and one count of failure to maintain reasonable control. The reasonable control and first DUI were dismissed and the second DUI was reduced to reckless operation, the clerk of court's office said.
Police typically charge two DUIs from the same event, one based on the officer's observations and one based on blood-alcohol concentration.
Judge John P. Almasy sentenced Dolan to 30 days in jail, suspended 27 and ordered that he attend a three-day alcohol intervention program. Dolan was also fined $250 and placed on six months' probation.
Dolan's blood-alcohol concentration registered 0.224 when stopped by police May 1, 2004, reports show. The legal limit is 0.08.
Police pulled Dolan over when his blue Ford pickup truck traveled left of center several times, almost striking the cruiser, while traveling north on 12th Street. The charge was dismissed in September 2004 when the arresting officer didn't show in court to testify. The former Campbell police officer said that he was never served with a subpoena.
The charge was later refiled.