CATHOLICISM Churches join to learn
Each of the presentations will focus on one or two sacraments.
YOUNGSTOWN -- St. Brendan, St. Patrick and Immaculate Heart of Mary churches are inviting Catholics to attend a Combined Parish Mission Feb. 20-23. The sessions will begin at 7 each evening.
The featured speaker is the Rev. Larry Delaney of St. Francis Retreat Center, affiliated with the Diocese of Lansing in DeWitt, Mich. The Rev. Mr. Delaney's theme will be "Looking at Four Hungers," with each of his presentations focusing on one or two the sacraments.
The eldest of 10 children, he had been assigned to several parishes and had served as director of priestly life and ministry for the Lansing diocese.
About the sessions
The first session, "Hunger for God," focusing on baptism and confirmation, will be at Immaculate of Mary Church, 4490 Norquest Blvd., Austintown.
St. Brendan Church, 2800 Oakwood Ave., Youngstown, will host the second seminar, "Hunger for Relationships," on the sacraments of marriage and Holy Orders.
The third session, "Hunger for Peace," on the reconciliation and the anointing of the sick, will be at St. Patrick Church, 1420 Oak Hill Avenue, Youngstown.
The series concludes with "Hunger for Meaning and Purpose," regarding the Eucharist. The final session will return to Immaculate Heart of Mary Church.
Including in each session, which will last from 60 to 90 minutes, will be prayer, reflection and social time.
Admission is free. Donations will be accepted to defray mission costs.
The Combined Parish Mission has become a Lenten tradition for parishioners of St. Brendan and Immaculate Heart of Mary parishes in past years, with St. Patrick Church becoming a part of the sessions last year.
For more information, call any of the sponsoring parishes.