Today is Friday, Feb. 11, the 42nd day of 2005. There are 323 days left in the year. On this date in
Today is Friday, Feb. 11, the 42nd day of 2005. There are 323 days left in the year. On this date in 1945, President Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet leader Josef Stalin sign the Yalta Agreement during World War II.
In 1812, Massachusetts Gov. Elbridge Gerry signs a redistricting law favoring his party -- giving rise to the term "gerrymandering." In 1847, American inventor Thomas Alva Edison is born in Milan, Ohio. In 1861, President-elect Lincoln departs Springfield, Ill., for Washington. In 1929, the Lateran Treaty is signed, with Italy recognizing the independence and sovereignty of Vatican City. In 1937, a sit-down strike against General Motors ends, with the company agreeing to recognize the United Automobile Workers Union. In 1972, McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. and Life magazine cancel plans to publish what has turned out to be a fake autobiography of reclusive billionaire Howard Hughes. In 1979, followers of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini seize power in Iran. In 1986, Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky is released by the Soviet Union after nine years of captivity as part of an East-West prisoner exchange. In 1989, the Rev. Barbara C. Harris becomes the first woman consecrated as a bishop in the Episcopal Church, in a ceremony held in Boston. In 1990, South African black activist Nelson Mandela is freed after 27 years in prison.
February 11, 1980: The Shenango Valley Osteopathic Hospital receives the go-ahead from Health Systems Inc. of the Northwestern Pennsylvania Regional Board for a $5 million renovation and expansion plan.
As 50 American hostages mark 100 days in captivity in the American Embassy in Teheran, Iranian President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr says the extradition of the deposed shah is no longer a precondition for their release, which could come in a matter of days.
Some 300 Rotarians from eight Youngstown area clubs gather to celebrate the 300th anniversary of Rotary International at the Embassy Room in Youngstown. Among those attending is Atty. Robert Manchester of the Youngstown Club, who was international president in 1976.
February 11, 1965: A two-alarm fire destroys the Polish Legion of American Veterans Hall in the old Immanuel Lutheran Church at Lafayette and Highland avenues. The fire apparently began in the old bell tower and fanned back through the rafters.
The Youngstown Hospital Association announces that it has received a gift of the L.A. Beeghly home at 6505 Market St. and $1 million and plans to build a 120-bed satellite hospital on the Beeghly estate as part of a 10-year plan.
For the first time in the history of the Mahoning Valley, Catholic teachers -- nuns, priests and lay-teachers -- will be guests of Rodef Sholom congregation at a Sabbath evening service. The invitation to the service was accepted by Bishop Emmet M. Walsh and arrangements were made by the Rev. James W. Malone, superintendent of schools. Rabbi Sidney Berkowitz and Cantor Lawrence Ehrlich will conduct the service.
February 11, 1955: Youngstown district residents wake up to 5 inches of snow and temperatures in the mid teens and forecast to drop to near zero over 24 hours. Traffic slows to a crawl downtown, making the typical worker an hour late.
Five Youngstown district firms are presented certificates of appreciation by the U.S. Army for their cooperation in encouraging employees to join the military reserve program. The companies are General Fireproofing Co., Ohio Bell Telephone Co., Packard Electric Division of General Motors, U.S. Steel Corp. and Youngstown Sheet & amp; Tube Co.
The Consolidated Edison Co. of New York discloses that it is nearly ready to proceed with building the nation's first atomic power plant to be undertaken wholly with private financing.
February 11, 1930: Directors and officials of the newly organized Associated Alloy Steel Co. visit Youngstown and Sharon. The company will market the new rustless steels of the Krupp-Fried processes that will be produced by Ludlum Steel Co., Timken Roller Bearing Co. and the Sharon Steel Hoop Co.
More than 250 volunteers are scouring the city of Youngstown, seeking 1,000 new members for the YWCA
Richard W. Stewart, 49-year-old Warren rug merchant who has been on a hunger strike in the Trumbull County Jail since Jan. 16, is receiving an assortment of Valentines cheering him on. Sheriff J.C. Richer says that if Stewart's fast begins to show deleterious effects, he will transfer him to the Massillon hospital facility.