East-West vulnerable. West deals.
x -K J 8 4
u -Q 10 4 3
v -J 6 2
w -7 5
x -? 5 2 x -? 6
u -A K 5 2 u -8 7 6
v -10 8 5 v -A K 4 3
w -A 6 4 w -9 8 3 2
x -A 10 9 3
u -J 9
v -Q 9 7
w -K Q J 10
The bidding:
Pass Pass Pass 1w
Pass 1u Pass 1x
Pass 2x Pass Pass
Opening lead: King of u
The average player attending the Fall North American Championships had an unexpected treat in store -- the tournament Daily Bulletin contained a daily bridge lesson by one of the country's foremost bridge teacher/writers, former world champion Eddie Kantar. Here's another of his hands.
With a minimum opening bid, South could do no more once North limited his hand with a simple raise to two spades. Even that contract was not laydown.
West led the king of hearts and, in response to partner's discouraging six (West could see all the lower hearts), shifted to a low diamond. East won with the king and continued with the ace and another diamond, taken by declarer's queen. Declarer still had to lose two tricks to the aces of hearts and clubs, so could not afford to lose a trump trick as well. Whom should declarer play for the queen of trumps?
Before South can decide, some discovery is needed. Where is the ace of clubs? Declarer continued by leading the king of clubs from hand. West won and exited with a club, but declarer knew all that was needed to pick up the missing lady. The opening lead marked West for the ace-king of hearts and, with the ace of clubs, 11 points were known. West was a passed hand and would surely have opened in first seat with 13, including three quick tricks. A trump to the king and a trump back fetched the queen from East and landed the contract.
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