Scholarships available for children with cancer
The American Cancer Society, Ohio Division, provides camp scholarships for youngsters who have cancer or whose cancer is in remission.
The scholarship program provides assistance to patients ages 7 to 18 to attend oncology camps or camps with special interests, such as music or science. It provides $500 to a recipient for the summer camp season in 2005 to cover registration fees, travel and camp supplies or other related expenses.
Applications for the scholarships must be received before camp attendance. An applicant must be an Ohio resident and U.S. citizen between 7 and 18. He or she must have had cancer within the last 5 years and plan to attend a camp in the United States.
Applications should be postmarked by May 16. However, if funds remain available, further applications will be taken at three other dates: June 15, July 15 and Aug. 15. Applicants will be notified by mail regarding funding status.
To receive an application, call the American Cancer Society toll free at (888) ACS-OHIO or (888) 227-6446 or visit the Web site at