Cutting personal income taxes paid by individuals and businesses by 21 percent.
Cutting personal income taxes paid by individuals and businesses by 21 percent.
Eliminating state income tax for those earning less than $10,000 yearly.
Phasing out taxes on business equipment and inventory and corporate net worth and profits and replacing them with a 0.26 percent tax on commercial activity. The first $1 million in sales would be exempt.
Keeping a half-penny of the 1 cent temporary sales tax increase that expires in June.
Increasing the cigarette tax by 45 cents to $1 per pack and taxes on other tobacco from 17 percent to 30 percent.
Doubling the tax on beer, wine and premixed alcoholic beverages, but not liquor.
Increasing the kilowatt-hour tax on electricity by 30 percent.
Eliminating a 10 percent rollback on commercial and industrial property taxes.
Creating a partnership of lawmakers, educators and employers to ensure students are better prepared for and graduate from college.
Allotting $100 million for a new student loan program, more funding for need-based college grants and capping state tuition increases at 6 percent.
He also asked for support in putting bond issues on the ballot to:
Try to increase high-paying research and technology jobs through the Third Frontier Project.
Help local governments build roads and other projects.