Gateways to Better Living provides outstanding care

Gateways to Better Livingprovides outstanding care
I am writing to express my gratitude to Gateways to Better Living for the outstanding care that workers there provide to those they serve. How fortunate we are to have such a wonderful resource in this community.
My own brother has been a Gateways client for nearly 25 years, and I have nothing but positive things to say about the organization. It has an excellent, dedicated and caring staff. The Youngstown area is certainly blessed to have a place like Gateways.
Republican bemoansrecord of Bush years
I just want folks to know what has been achieved with Bush-Cheney and Republican control of the Congress and Senate. They sent our military to war in Iraq, because Iraq had WMD, ended the war in sixmonths, and then Bush took to a battleship and declared the war over with only 100 American casualties. In his speech on Dec. 12, he declared that the war will go on until the terrorists are defeated even though we have over 2,100 military deceased for a war declared over 21/2 years ago.
We should be grateful the president has increased the national debt more than any other president to achieve the following goods: increases in oil and gasoline prices, unemployment, major companies filing for bankruptcy, companies going out of business, layoffs, wage concession of employees. Bush and Cheney have told us that we have a strong economy with all these factors.
We now have a new drug program and the insurance companies are charging us a high premium to get cheaper drugs and will increase this premium yearly. The increases are meant for the insurance companies that supported the members of Congress for this monetary favor.
Bush admitted the WMD were not in Iraq, but still he would go to war again with what he knows now. Unfortunately, the WMD are in Washington, D.C. They will remain there until those who supported the war, the increases in the national debt and radical economic infusions are voted from office.
However, do not despair. Conservative Republicans, such as myself, remain strong in this country and do not agree with the policies of the Bush-Cheney administration. Fortunately, Bush-Cheney policies will be gone, and the Republicans can again elect conservatives for a better America for us all, under the guidance of a conservative president.
Following Cal's advicewould dilute our privileges
Writing Dec. 18 about teen sex in Tampa, Cal Thomas reminds me of Orwell's "1984" totalitarian "Newspeak," reversing familiar descriptions of things: "Knowledge is power," becomes "Ignorance is strength" in its Big Brother vocabulary.
G. W. Bush removes heroism from terrorists, calling them "homicide bombers" not "suicide bombers," and Fox TV parrots him. In Judge Roy (10 Commandments) Moore's lexicon, the courts' enforcement of constitutional freedom of religion is interpreted as promoting freedom from religion. Ask anyone today what Thomas's "government schools" are, and they will never think of Tampa Public School 21, run by a popularly elected school board. But his ideological rant transforms PS21 into part of a sinister plot by "the state" to corrupt our children and usurp our supposed right to indoctrinate them as we jolly well please.
The villain? That old bugbear of the ERA-hating xenophobic religious right: sex education. The cure? Part of it involves another anti-ERA theme: both parents working. One parent must stay home, says Cal, who could hardly be less than a multimillionaire with his syndicated column, his job at FOX TV, speaking engagements and other income. Guess who he wants to stay home, ladies? Couples attempt to cope with an economy dominated by ruthless corporations by having two incomes that Cal sees as a "lavish lifestyle." There's nothing like moral advice from compassionate conservatives. The rest of the cure for teen promiscuity includes yanking our kids from "government" schools, one quitting their job to stay home and paying the tuition to a private school -- somehow. If we've been fruitfully multiplying, there's more than one tuition.
The rest of Cal's solution: "No TV in the home." Logical, since this one-income family probably couldn't afford TV, anyway. The main thing that righteous "conservatives" like Cal want to conserve is their privileges. His privileges might be increased by our following his advice, but conceivably ours, and our children's, are diminished.