Is it school day vs. work day?

Chicago Tribune: Today is Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day. Some educators, though, grumble that the annual event has turned into something else: national play hooky day.
They have a point.
The idea of a special day to bring daughters to the workplace was hatched by the Ms. Foundation for Women in response to discouraging research about the low career expectations and low self-esteem of many girls. It started in 1993 and was such a success that, eventually, boys were added to the mix. The fourth Thursday of April was picked for the annual event, in part so the educational experience could be discussed and shared the next day in school.
Some 16 million children were expected to participate this year.
It's a hot ticket in some places, including the Chicago Tribune. Kids in the newsroom this year will help Amy Dickinson give advice, debate with the editors which comic strips should stay and which should go, argue with the editorial board, anchor their own newscasts, write a restaurant review with Phil Vettel, report the news, take photos and do plenty of other activities. A half-dozen creative volunteers here make this a memorable and educational experience for kids.
We're big fans of Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day.
But really, wouldn't it make more sense to hold it in June?
Some teachers say the idea's success has created a problem. The kids miss a day of school, and with so many absentees, precious little educating takes place for the kids who do come to school that day. In some school districts, the fourth Thursday of April also coincides with an important state standardized exam day.
If Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day were scheduled in mid-June, after school lets out and before the summer camp/summer vacation season starts, kids could get all the benefits of the workplace experience -- and not miss a day in the classroom.