East-West vulnerable. South deals.

East-West vulnerable. South deals.
x -10 6 5 4
u -A
v -Q 5 4 3
w -8 7 6 3
x -A 7 2 x -8 3
u -K 8 5 u -Q J 9 7 6 3
v -J 10 9 8 v -K
w -Q 5 2 w -J 10 9 4
x -K Q J 9
u -10 4 2
v -A 7 6 2
w -A K
The bidding:
1NT Pass 2w Pass
2x Pass 3x Pass
4xPass Pass Pass
Opening lead: Jack of v
It is all very well having enough tricks for your contract. Your task as declarer is to make sure you score them.
North's Stayman inquiry was aggressive. Had South responded in hearts, his side was probably headed for a minus score. When it elicited the information that South held a four-card spade suit, North continued with a bold raise to three spades. South did not have to think for a moment about whether to accept partner's invitation -- he held a super-maximum for the action.
West led the jack of diamonds, declarer played low from dummy and, when East produced the king of diamonds, South could count 10 tricks: three spades, one heart and two heart ruffs in dummy, two diamonds and two clubs. Giving the matter little thought, declarer won with the ace of diamonds, crossed to the ace of hearts and returned to hand with the king of clubs for a heart ruff. The ace of clubs was the entry for another heart ruff, and declarer led a trump toward the jack. West shot up with the ace and reverted to the ten of diamonds. Declarer covered with dummy's queen and East ruffed -- down one.
Declarer had an easy chance to ensure success. At trick one he should have allowed East's king of diamonds to win the trick! Later, when West gets in with the ace of spades and returns the ten of diamonds, South plays low from dummy. If East ruffs, he is ruffing a losing diamond and declarer still has the 10 tricks with which he started out.
& copy; 2005 Tribune Media Services
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