YSU annual dinner to honor educators' accomplishments

YOUNGSTOWN -- Youngstown State University's Beeghly College of Education will hold its annual dinner to honor outstanding alumni at 6:30 p.m. Thursday in the McKay Auditorium at YSU's Beeghly Hall.
Sister Charlotte Italiano, principal of Holy Family School in Poland, will receive the college's lifetime educational service award for 53 years of service.
Also being honored are:
*Dante Zambrini, Canfield schools superintendent, by the college's department of education administration, research and foundations.
*Kristen Dailey, a Boardman Center Middle School math teacher, by the teacher education department.
*Margaret Stephens, who works at the Mahoning County Career and Technical Center and is a retired counselor from Campbell schools, by the counseling department.
For more information, call (330) 941-3215.