Answers to weekly quiz:
Q. Neither vulnerable, you hold:
xA K 4 u10 9 3 2 vQ 5 wQ 7 5 2
Partner opens the bidding with one heart. What do you respond?
A. If you play limit raises, by all means jump to three hearts. If not, start by bidding two clubs, then raise hearts at your next turn.
Q. Neither vulnerable, as South you hold:
xJ 7 6 uVoid vK Q 9 8 6 5 w9 8 5 3
The bidding has proceeded:
What do you bid now?
A. Obviously, the choice is between bidding diamonds or raising spades. Even if you play four-card majors, an opening one-spade bid usually shows a five-card suit. Your hand is likely to be of more use to partner than partner's is to you -- raise to two spades, but it is a close decision.
Q. Neither vulnerable, as South you hold:
x9 4 3 uK J 10 9 v9 7 6 3 w9 4
Partner opens the bidding with two no trump (20-22). What action do you take?
A. Your intermediates just make this hand worth a bid. However, do not raise to three no trump. Should partner have four hearts, your hand will almost certainly play better in the suit contract. Check for a major suit with a Stayman three-club bid.
Q. Neither vulnerable, you hold:
xVoid uA K Q J 8 5 4 vA J 9 wA 8 7
Your left-hand opponent's one-spade asking bid is passed round to you. What action do you take?
A. Your hand is too strong for any bid (except, perhaps, a jump to six hearts). The way to show your power is to start with a takeout double and then jump in hearts at your next turn.
Q. Neither vulnerable, you hold:
xVoid uA 10 7 6 4 vA 10 5 3 wA Q 5 4
Your right-hand opponent opens the bidding with one diamond. What action do you take?
A. Unlike the previous problem, you have neither the strength nor the distribution to make a takeout double. All you can do for the moment is make a simple overcall of one heart and see how the auction develops.
Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:
x5 4 uA 5 vA J 8 6 2 wK J 5 3
The bidding has proceeded:
What do you bid now?
A. We know there are those who would rebid one no trump but, in the words of Samuel Goldwyn, include us out. We see no reason not to describe our holding as best we can. Bid two clubs.
& copy; 2005 Tribune Media Services