Weekly quiz:
Q. Neither vulnerable, you hold:
x-A K 4 u-10 9 3 2 v-Q 5 w-Q 7 5 2
Partner opens the bidding with one heart. What do you respond?
Q. Neither vulnerable, as South you hold:
x-J 7 6 u-Void v-K Q 9 8 6 5 w-9 8 5 3
The bidding has proceeded:
1S Dbl ?
What do you bid now?
Q. Neither vulnerable, as South you hold:
x-9 4 3 u-K J 10 9 v-9 7 6 3 w-9 4
Partner opens the bidding with two no trump (20-22). What action do you take?
Q. Neither vulnerable, you hold:
x-Void u-A K Q J 8 5 4 v-A J 9 w-A 8 7
Your left-hand opponent's one-spade asking bid is passed round to you. What action do you take?
Q. Neither vulnerable, you hold:
x-Void u-A 10 7 6 4 v-A 10 5 3 w-A Q 5 4
Your right-hand opponent opens the bidding with one diamond. What action do you take?
Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:
x-5 4 u-A 5 v-A J 8 6 2 w-K J 5 3
The bidding has proceeded:
1v Pass 1x Pass
What do you bid now?
Look for answers Monday.
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