HELOISE Clear tape can help remove wine labels

Dear Heloise: Because my husband's a wine collector, I've probably removed thousands of labels during the past 20-plus years. I cover the label completely with transparent tape and then continue to remove the label. The tape will keep the label from being destroyed. We keep our labels in a photo album (with any appropriate comments written next to the label).
You can also make a really attractive set of canisters by covering various sizes of coffee cans with the labels. Stick them to the cans in a collage with white glue and then cover them with a clear, self-adhesive covering. They look great and can be used to store all kinds of things. J.C., via e-mail
We tried your method and did not have success on every bottle, probably because manufacturers use different adhesives. Another method that works well is to fill the wine bottle with very hot water, seal and submerge in a sink of hot water for about 10 minutes. Then very carefully and slowly lift the label. Once removed, lay the wet label, sticky-side up, on a paper towel till dry. And, if all else fails, try writing a letter to the winery (most addresses are on the bottle) requesting a sample of the particular label you want. Include a brief reason for your request and a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Heloise
Dear Heloise: In your Feb. 14 column, you suggested giving extra vases to florists or nursing homes. We give ours to our church. The Sunday flowers are made into bouquets, which are delivered to shut-ins and the sick. We have been recipients, and believe me, the flowers, along with the visits, are much appreciated. Marjorie from Indiana
Dear Heloise: I made a discovery that gave me chills. A while back, I purchased a new automatic coffee maker and figured I'd give my old one to my daughter, who needed one. While cleaning it out, I was drying the well where the water goes and discovered the most disgusting slime! I had actually used it every day and drank from it.
Seems that over time it gets yucky, and they mean it when they say to use vinegar to clean it out occasionally. However, since I saw that, I have cleaned the new coffee maker a little differently. Now, after use and cleaning each day, I simply leave the top open to give the well time to dry out. Bonnie, Cleveland
Dear Heloise: I got a pretty tablecloth that was way too big for my table, so I cut it down to fit the square table, then had enough fabric left to make two kitchen towels and an apron. I just wanted to pass this on in case someone else wants to have a coordinated look. Corrinne Berkland, Universal City, Texas
XSend a money-saving or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.
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