HELOISE Reader shares suggestions for other moms

Dear Heloise: I would like to contribute two ideas that I think the moms out there would appreciate. After I had my second daughter, the following Mother's Day I started my own tradition.
U I picked out a beautiful outdoor setting, posed with my two girls and had my husband snap several pictures, which I put in a multipicture frame. Each year, I put a new Mother's Day picture in the frame. I now have four years of pictures that I admire from time to time. It's amazing to compare the changes as the years go by!
UTake a cutting from your baby's hair. Use a pink or blue ribbon and tie the hair together. I used pink bows that were given to my girls at birth. Buy a small, decorative frame and tape it to the backing inside the frame. Now you have a precious memento of your baby's hair to display. Debby J., Colorado Springs, Colo.
Love them both! You were kind to take the time to share these heart hints. Heloise
Dear Heloise: When I broke my ankle, I was pretty much incapacitated for some time. My husband came up with the neatest idea. He put the ironing board beside my bed and set it at the exact height that was comfortable for me to use as a side table. It gave me much more room than a TV tray for everything I needed. Pat Whitworth, Madison, Ala.
Dear Heloise: I belong to a fitness program that has a ladies' changing room with several dozen metal lockers. In order to remember where my clothes are after my swim, I put a refrigerator magnet on the front of my locker, and I don't have to "strain my brain." Lois Winter, Whiting, N.J.
Dear Heloise: I see so many people struggling to help a person out of a wheelchair and into the car, or vice versa.
If they would only remember to roll down the car window first, the person could get a firm grip on the car door. We have experienced this, and it really helps. Myrtle Durand, Apple Valley, Minn.
XSend a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com. I can't answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.
King Features Syndicate