Scholarship event is set by sorority

YOUNGSTOWN -- The Youngstown Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. will hold its third annual Tribute to Black Excellence Awards from 6:30 to 11 p.m. Sept. 24 at The Embassy.
Cost is $35 per person, and semiformal attire is requested. For ticket information call Sherri Lovelace-Cameron at (330) 941-1997, or any sorority member.
Proceeds will be used for scholarships to deserving students and other public services in the community.
There will be dinner and dancing, and those who will be honored in various categories are Lois J. Clark, Dr. Phillip Ginnetti, Monica Jones and Kenya Harrington, educational development; Jo Ann Blunt, the Rev. Kenneth Simon and Gerry Beulah, economic development; Dr. James Hovell, Dr. Ernest Perry and Dr. David Davis, physical and mental health; state Rep. Sylvester Patton, Tom Conley, the Rev. Michael Harrison, McCullough Williams Jr. and Kenneth King, political awareness; and Atty. Ron Miller and Rhonda Taylor, international awareness. Winners in each category will be announced at the event.
Serving on the committee are Michele Dotson, Fawn Allison, Nancy Murray, Lynette Sutton, Cynthia Moore, Louella Henderson, Crystal Davis, Annette Jones and Nikki Davis.