HELOISE Magazines don't have to go to waste

Dear Heloise: I have subscriptions to about 10 magazines, some highbrow or literary and some popular. My problem: After a couple of months, these magazines pile up. I hate to throw them away; even recycling them seems like a waste. Is there anyplace that might appreciate magazines that are one to two months old? Paulette in Maryland
Paulette, there are several places where you could take your magazines. Here are some suggestions: nursing homes, detention centers, literacy programs, schools and veterans hospitals.
You should call first to be sure that they will accept the magazines. One note: When you donate something, be sure it is in good shape and clean. We received a letter from a reader who works in a veterans hospital complaining about the terrible condition of donated magazines. Because of this, the hospital has stopped taking them! Heloise
Fast facts
Here are some ideas on what to do with an extra checkbook cover:
UUse it to keep track of credit-card charges -- slips can be held together inside.
UPut coupons in it and slip it into your purse so they will be handy when you need them.
UPut a memo pad inside for important notes.
UIt can hold receipts for gifts or purchases that might need to be returned.
Dear Heloise: This is in regard to the hint about putting a shower cap over the face while putting on or taking off a garment with a tight neckline. That works all right, but a square scarf put over the head and face works a lot better. It not only keeps makeup from coming off -- it also keeps the hairdo intact.
When I go shopping, I always carry a scarf in my purse. Too many times I have seen garments on racks or display tables with stains from makeup where someone had tried them on. Hildegard Price, Springfield
Dear Heloise: What to do with all those leftover hard-cooked eggs? I usually make egg salad for sandwiches, and the first thing I grab is a pastry blender. Once I've peeled the eggs, the pastry blender quickly chops the eggs to just the right size. No more cutting with a knife or bending a fork trying to mash up the eggs. Add salt, pepper, mayonnaise and a little squirt of mustard; stir, and you have the perfect egg salad. Sarah M., Woodbridge, Va.
Sound off
Dear Heloise: You receive a store circular, go to make a purchase, and the store does not have the items in stock! This is aggravating! I don't understand why the store doesn't order extra product, since it is offering the product on sale. I have stopped shopping at one particular store chain because this has happened to me on more than one occasion. Rita in Texas
Rita, this has happened to all of us at one time. One of my assistants said you should write or call the company and express your displeasure. Many times, companies will try to make it right. Heloise
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