Learn how to keep nails in tip-top shape

NEW YORK (AP) -- After a manicure and pedicure, one's nails look shiny and, well, polished. Unfortunately, that pristine appearance often doesn't last more than a few hours.
Washing dishes, tying shoes and other tasks of everyday life take their toll on nails.
Jennifer Leung, founder of the Lavande Nail Spa in San Francisco, has started offering a no-chip guarantee, ensuring treatments will last at least three days.
Her tips for keeping nails in tip-top shape include:
UReapply top coat every two to three days so that colors stay fresh and glossy.
UUse a base coat that contains aloe vera for nails that are dry and brittle to replenish moisture to avoid peeling of the nails.
UUse a nail strengthener that contains vitamin E and calcium to help promote healthy nails. Apply nail strengthener the day after your manicure.
UWhen applying base coat, color, and top coat, let each coat dry first before applying the next coat. Base coat needs to be dry before applying color, otherwise it will chip.
USwipe the tip of the nail polish brush across the tip and underside of the nail to seal each coat.
UHealthy nails and cuticles hold polish much longer. If cuticles are dry and peeling, mix one tablespoon of wheat germ or jojoba oil with one tablespoon of honey. Massage onto the cuticle in a circular motion.